So long, Snooks

Posted by on Feb 18, 2009 in stuff | 0 comments

New Orleans R&B guitarist Snooks Eaglin passed away today. He was 72 years old.

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8 days a week

Posted by on Jan 5, 2009 in stuff | 0 comments

I updated the playlist this morning. There’s now just over 8 days worth of music, 3,250 songs, when broadcasting in the live mode. For the most part I’ve been able to keep a clean connection and keep it running live. There’s been a few hiccups though when I had to flip it back to the 5-hour loop on Live365’s servers.

Does anyone know a sensible way to export an iTunes playlist – that only lists the song, artist and album – and then convert into a format for displaying in text on the Web? I’ve tried a couple of ways that just don’t have the best results. I did export the playlist into a PDF file, but it was about half a meg and 55 pages long. Not the slickest solution. So if you’ve got an idea or two about how to export out of iTunes to post the current playlist online, I’m all ears.

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So long, 2008

Posted by on Jan 1, 2009 in stuff | 0 comments

At midnight tonight I officially launched Gumbo Radio, with a live intro and Clifton Chenier’s “Ain’t No Need of Cryin’ (Every Day is the Same).” I’ve always loved that song, but for some reason it’s just been killing me lately, cutting me all the way down to the bone. And have no fear, I’m not going to make a habit out of opening the mic to just wax poetic. There’s enough of that out there already.

There are currently 3,017 songs programmed into the live playlist, making for seven and a half days worth of music. While I officially launched the live audio tonight (whatever that means) I actually began broadcasting and testing the live audio stream on Dec. 13. And if you’re the kind of person who just loves a good factoid, here’s a doozie for you: The first song broadcast live on Gumbo Radio, selected at random, was Neutral Milk Hotel’s “Two-Headed Boy.” I don’t know what that means. It just is.

Anyway, here’s to you and yours. Hope you have a beautiful and prosperous 2009.

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Merry Christmas

Posted by on Dec 25, 2008 in stuff | 0 comments

All right. Let’s just get the show on the road.

I’ve got a ton of music to add to the library, but I’ve flipped the switch and Gumbo Radio is now live. That means you shouldn’t hear as many commercials from live365. You’re probably going to be hit with one or two when you launch the stream, but after that it should be smooth sailing.

I hope you and yours are having a great holiday.

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We’re rolling!

Posted by on Dec 18, 2008 in stuff | 0 comments

The audio stream has been up and running for three days and three hours now without losing a connection to the server. If you have pop-up windows blocked on your browser, you can access Gumbo Radio at live365.

As of right now, there’s a little over six days worth of music programmed. I’m working on adding more music to the mix as I go, but I’ve got a ton of CDs to still go through.

And here’s a little interesting tidbit I figured out today. You can tap into the audio about a dozen times without having to register with live365. But then in order to access any stream on their site, including Gumbo Radio, you have to register with them. Yeah, it’s annoying, but it’s free. And registering with them also nothing to do with registering here. And who doesn’t need another username and password to keep up with? So register with Gumbo Radio while you’re at it.

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