
Happy Mardi Gras, y’all!

Posted by on Feb 7, 2013 in stuff | 0 comments

This year’s Mardi Gras mix is on the air!

Check it out for over 12 hours worth of Mardi Gras tunes.

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Happy New Year!

Posted by on Dec 29, 2012 in stuff | 0 comments

Along with Gumbo Radio’s clean new design, I’ve also added a couple of new pages to the mix, including the shop. There was some merchandise left over from the Indiegogo crowdsourcing campaign – including bumper stickers, T-shirts, and The Original Zydecozy. Now you can pick up on these items anytime you want while helping support the live broadcast of Louisiana’s music.

And Gumbo Radio’s sound has never been sweeter. With a 128k audio stream, you can listen to the 24-hour broadcast in CD-quality. Right now, the playlist contains nearly 9,000 songs for 22 days worth of music. But I’m updating this too on an ongoing basis. I just can’t help myself.

Thanks again to all the fine folks who helped out with this last phase of Gumbo Radio’s growth. Your contributions are already coming to fruition.

Have a safe and happy new year!

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4 years running

Posted by on Dec 10, 2012 in stuff | 0 comments

Today marks year No. 4 for Gumbo Radio, and it doesn’t quite seem possible. But it’s true. Since then we’ve secured some new hardware (thanks to your efforts and contributions) to keep the broadcast running live, and I recently upgraded the audio to a CD-quality 128k stream. And the library now has 22 days worth of music – about 8,950 songs.

I hope you’re having as much with this as I am.

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iTunes listing

Posted by on Nov 18, 2012 in stuff | 0 comments

I just dropped an email to iTunes requesting that they add Gumbo Radio to their list of Internet radio stations. It will be a few months (if at all) before I hear back from them. Until then, if you want to listen to Gumbo Radio directly from the URL, try this:

If you want to use iTunes now to listen to Gumbo Radio, open iTunes, click on “Advanced” and then “Open Stream.” Copy and paste the URL above into the box and hit “OK.” That should do the trick.

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Thank you

Posted by on Nov 7, 2012 in stuff | 0 comments

Thanks to everyone who pitched in – whether financially, helping spread the word, or both – to help Gumbo Radio.

Within 30 days, we not only reached the goal of Gumbo Radio’s crowdsourcing campaign, we surpassed it by over 50%. That’s going to allow me to replace the hardware, beef up the audio quality, and redesign the entire website.

There’s still more work to be done, but stage 1 of Phase Deux has officially come to an end!

Thanks again.

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Gumbo Radio: phase deux

Posted by on Oct 8, 2012 in stuff | 0 comments

Check out the crowdfunding campaign at Let’s raise some funds to get the live broadcast of Louisiana’s music back up and running. Check out the video below for more details. Thanks!

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