Posts by Reese

John and Alan Lomax in Louisiana, 1934

Posted by on Jun 23, 2014 in stuff | 0 comments

Screen shot 2014-06-23 at 10.33.21 PMDo yourself a favor. Go check out the incredible work Dr. Joshua Clegg Caffery has done on John and Alan Lomax’s 1934 trip to south Louisiana. You won’t be disappointed.

While you’re at it, check out Caffery’s exemplary book Traditional Music in Coastal Louisiana: The 1934 Lomax Recordings.

The 1934 Lomax Recordings

Traditional Music in Coastal Louisiana

The 1934 Lomax Recordings

– See more at:

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Half a decade ago …

Posted by on Dec 19, 2013 in stuff | 0 comments

I’ve been so caught up in the holidays that I forgot to mark Gumbo Radio’s birthday!

Five years ago, I kicked off this little dog-and-pony show, and the obsession remains. Since last year, I’ve added another couple of weeks of music for a playlist that’s 35-days long. Every time I update the list with new music, I think Yeah, that’s good. That ought to be enough for a while. But then I run across something I just have to add. Or even better, my kids hear something and say, “We need to add that to Gumbo Radio.” The apples have definitely fallen very closely to the tree.

And just as a heads up, on Christmas Eve, I’m switching the whole format to Christmas tunes for that day and Christmas day. But on Dec. 26, we’re back to the live mix of music from Louisiana.

Here’s wishing you and yours a safe and happy holiday season.

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Where’s your sticker?

Posted by on Oct 30, 2013 in stuff | 0 comments

Where did you stick your Gumbo Radio sticker? Post a pic of it on our Facebook page.

Do what? You say you don’t have one of these 4×6 black and white vinyl beauties? Send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to Gumbo Radio, 211 Aurore Ave., Lafayette, LA, 70506, and we’ll drop you one in the mail. (Then you can slap it on whatever your little pea-pickin’ heart desires and then post a pic of it!)

Gumbo Radio sticker

Cleveland Chenier, John Hart, and Clifton Chenier at Jay’s Cockpit and Lounge, Mardi Gras 1975, Cankton, Louisiana

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A month of music

Posted by on Jun 8, 2013 in stuff | 0 comments

With today’s addition of just over 1,000 songs to Gumbo Radio, the playlist is now over 31 days long. So in theory you can list to Gumbo Radio live from Lafayette for an entire month without hearing the same song twice. I’ll continue to add tunes to the catalog, but for now enjoy the current month of music!

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The new promo

Posted by on May 4, 2013 in stuff | 0 comments

Check out the new promo that’s airing on Live365.

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